Can I be real for a moment, about patient care.


I am a doctor, and the beauty in that is, I am a doctor and a patient. So doctors understand what it is like to be both. I know there are people out there suffering from serious ailments (HIV, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity, Organ failure, Chronic Pain…etc), so here is my small public announcement for those patients that need a reminder or have never been told.


Let’s dig deeper:


Patients: When you come to your doctor visit for rehab, check up, etc. That is called compliance, and if your doctor is attentive, caring, and gives proper diagnosis and recommendations, both you and your doctor is at 50%. But…where patient’s sometimes fall short is patient’s homework and attitude.

When a doctor gives you “tools” you need to do at home (exercise, diet, stretch, or removal of the action causing your ailment etc.) and you don’t do it, You are performing a disservice to yourself and slowing down treatment progress………………………..

But it doesn’t stop there.

Do you research on your condition. What natural remedies can help? Is my diagnosis accurate? Are there other ways to help besides surgery? Do I have to take this prescription? Should I get a second opinion?

Start being proactive in your own health care. According to my chart you are 75% of what happens to your health.

So why do you need a doctor? Because doctors are experts at your health condition and they will provide you with the tools necessary for success. And will also give you new tools to use as you progress with treatment.

And lastly, your attitude. A positive attitude helps with treatment. You will need a healthy mental attitude to endure the struggle that you may or may not be facing. I have yet to see someone recover from struggle with a bad attitude.


“Get into the driver’s seat of your healthcare.”

It’s time to start being proactive! Don’t give up on yourself, and stay strong.

If you agree or disagree, I want to know.

Don’t be shy….reply.


“Follow me, Like me on FB, and come back! lol”

Dr. D