Lifestyle Changes #2: Super Duper Easy Ways to correct your posture


Posture is difficult to correct instantly. Why? Because the muscles that create your posture are involuntary. You can’t make them contract consciously.  But…… you can change your lifestyle habits a bit to force them to adjust to your functional change and through time these muscles can help to better your posture.

#1: Brush your teeth facing away from the sink. I know, its crazy, but when brushing your teeth facing away from the sink, the body will stand up right and you are fighting the urge to bend forward while doing this daily task.

#2: Text and Read on your back. This prevents the typical forward neck bend and rounded shoulders during text messaging and reading that leads to neck, shoulder, and back pain.

#3: Ladies: Rearrange your purse. Only carry necessities in your purse. Cross strap purses are the best, but if you have a hand purse or shoulder purse, alternate hands/shoulders to prevent the body from side leaning.

#4: Guys: Remove wallet out your pockets or reduce the size. Wallets too big can cause the lower back to become uneven and prolonged use can cause a more permanent posture dysfunction.

#5 Eat at the dinner table. When you eat at a coffee table or with plate in hand, there is a greater tendency to extend your neck out and head towards your plate to reach for your food which contributes to forward head lean and trapezius strain.

With these super small corrections, you are on your way to a better spine.

Changing the world, one spine at a time.

Head to Toe Posture & Rehabilitation Center

“Posture is OUR thing!”

Neck pain in the morning.


Why are you having neck pain? You just woke up!

There could be several reasons.

1. Your neck may be too straight. This is called “Decreased cervical lordosis”. This can be suspected with posture evaulation, but diagnosed with an x-ray.

2. The way you are sleeping. Many people don’t know how they sleep. I suggest asking someone you live with to see how you sleep and if you stay in one position the entire night.

The wrong ways to sleep are on your stomach, fetus position, too many pillows, and/or a twisted spine.

The right ways to sleep are on your side, back, 1 moderately sized pillow (about the width between your ear and shoulder), spine straight.


So, what if you are doing all those things, and still wake up with pain.

1. Seek a Chiropractor who can properly evaluate and treat your neck condition if it exists.

2. Try sleeping on your back with no pillow (if this brings relief, your pillow(s) is/are probably too big)

3. Then, try rolling up a hand towel and place on the back of your neck, with no pillow. (This will help to bring curvature back into the neck if it is decreased.)

4. Muscle treatment, such as massage and stretching are great for some relief.

**The idea here is to do a little life style changing and remove the cause of the AM neck pains.**


If you live in the Broward County, FL area and would like your neck posture checked, contact Head to Toe Posture & Rehabilitation Center, LLC @

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Dr. D