Up to your heels in Campbell’s Soup.



Heel pain is very common, especially if there was ever an ankle injury or heel spur. This is more than likely Plantar Fasciitis.

Definition: Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot. This tissue is called the plantar fascia. It connects the heel bone to the toes and creates the arch of the foot. (medline plus)


  • Pain in the morning, better as the day goes.
  • Heel pain
  • Toe pain
  • Difficulty walking
  • possible ankle or leg pain

Most common treatment methods:

  • Night spints
  • cortizone shots
  • physical therapy
  • frozen water bottle (great, but you need a freezer)

There may be others, but personally, I have experienced heel pain and one of my best, most trusted remedy is the old fashioned Campbell’s soup can. I purchased a can of chicken noodle soup because it was small enough

While working, I performed a hard roll of the unopen can from my heel to toe 1 minute per foot, almost every 30 minutes while at work, and in a week….. pain pretty much gone. And it comes back every once in a while when I wear heels or run. But for a cheap, holistic, drug free treatment method…..WHY NOT!!!!

Let’s not forget the importance of being properly diagnosed for this condition: Please seek help from your local health care professional: Chiropractor, DO, or MD if you wonder if you have this condition.

If you have any questions, comments, or other plantar fasciitis treatment methods, please reply below.


Head to Toe Posture & Rehab Center, LLC

Dr. D


“Posture is OUR Thing!”

Lifestyle Changes #2: Super Duper Easy Ways to correct your posture


Posture is difficult to correct instantly. Why? Because the muscles that create your posture are involuntary. You can’t make them contract consciously.  But…… you can change your lifestyle habits a bit to force them to adjust to your functional change and through time these muscles can help to better your posture.

#1: Brush your teeth facing away from the sink. I know, its crazy, but when brushing your teeth facing away from the sink, the body will stand up right and you are fighting the urge to bend forward while doing this daily task.

#2: Text and Read on your back. This prevents the typical forward neck bend and rounded shoulders during text messaging and reading that leads to neck, shoulder, and back pain.

#3: Ladies: Rearrange your purse. Only carry necessities in your purse. Cross strap purses are the best, but if you have a hand purse or shoulder purse, alternate hands/shoulders to prevent the body from side leaning.

#4: Guys: Remove wallet out your pockets or reduce the size. Wallets too big can cause the lower back to become uneven and prolonged use can cause a more permanent posture dysfunction.

#5 Eat at the dinner table. When you eat at a coffee table or with plate in hand, there is a greater tendency to extend your neck out and head towards your plate to reach for your food which contributes to forward head lean and trapezius strain.

With these super small corrections, you are on your way to a better spine.

Changing the world, one spine at a time.

Head to Toe Posture & Rehabilitation Center

“Posture is OUR thing!”


New Year’s Fitness goals on the Fritz? Regain them with these 5 steps.


imageMade a New Year’s Resolution to get fit and it flopped? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. According to statisticbrain.com 45% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions every year and 24% of those people never succeed and fail on their resolution each year. The good news is, people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t.

So what do you do? We are half way through 2014 and it’s almost Summer. The perfect time to rekindle with your fitness goals is now, and these next 5 steps are going to help you do so.

Step 1: Identify why you couldn’t stick with your fitness goals.
Whether it’s time, money, injury, or plain old procrastination, identifying the problem is the first step to figuring out a solution. It will also bring you to the realization that change needs to be made. After you identify a problem, you have to create a way around the constraint, such as, finding cheaper methods to exercise, get a baby sitter, or alter your routine to work around your injury.

Step 2: Write or Re-write your goals.
People who write down their goals have a greater chance to accomplishing them, then people who don’t. When you create your fitness goals, you need attainable short term and long term goals. The goals that are created need to also be specific. For example, “Short term goal: Work out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 1 hour per workout. Long term goal: Lose 10 pounds by the end of July.” If you have written down goals already, re-write them to cater to your needs.

Step 3: Write down the “stuff happens (SHHH)” plan.
This is an important step because you are human and sometimes things come up like family, stress, work, or life. You will need to know how to get back into the game to avoid ending up in the fitness rut. For instance, “If I missed a work out day, week, or month I need to re-evaluate my fitness goals to…., my new exercise regimen will be….etc”. Your goals and your “SHHH” plan go hand in hand. Do not pass through this step.

Step 4: Form a support group.
Strength in numbers. You will have greater success in your fitness goals when achieving them with the support of your friends, coworkers, or family. These people will be your extra push when needed. The other option is you can hire a professional that specialize in these areas such as a Personal Trainer, Chiropractor, Dietician, etc. These go-to professionals can identify trouble areas and assist you along your journey.

Step 5: Keeping a P.O.D. attitude
This is the most important step because your attitude can make or break your success. P.O.D. stands for Perseverance, Optimism, and Determination. You need to get into the best mental health so it could resonate into the best physical health. Without this step, the efforts will be futile.
If you follow these steps, you will be on your way to achieving the physical health you always wanted.

For more information on fitness and healthy, please contact Dr. Ashley Dixon, Owner of Head to Toe Posture & Rehabilitation Center, LLC at HTPRCLLC@gmail.com or join us on http://www.facebook.com/htprcllc.